
Friday, February 26, 2010


The temperature in which you train affects the number of fat calories you burn for energy.

Human growth hormone levels are increased in warmer temps, this is the wonder anti-angeing hormone that high profile celebs are taking to stay young.

An increase in hgh increases fat metabolism, it naturally declines as you get older which can lead to the infamous middle age spread, so as you can imagine the key is to increase its production to maintain a healthy balance and stay trim.

One of the ways to do this is by regular fat burning aerobic activity 30- 45 mins per day, but be careful not to stress the body by exhausting it, as this affects cortisol production when the body thinks its under attack or siege.

Cortisol is associated with storage of abdominal fat, diabetes, depression and heart disease. And can also weaken our immune system. Cortisol is at a low during the summer, maybe because we are happier and sunnier and also warmer.

Go to

and calculate your training zone, so you can figure out if you are working the body at the correct stress level for best effect.

LPL an enzyme that promotes the storage of fat decreases during the summer which is why we seem to shed a few pounds from Spring on into summer

Testosterone peaks in the summer, this hormone helps build muscle and lose fat and peaks during the summer.

It Is easier to control appetite in the summer. When serotonin levels drop your body thinks its starving and tells you to eat, but during the summer your levels are usually quite well balanced as we come out of the dark depressing days of the winter. Serotonin is a hormone that controls our mental state. Over weight people with low serotonin tend to find they are hungry all the time, hence carb comfort eating which gives a hit or fix, bringing up serotonin levels.

This could explain food addictions and why it is so difficult to give up certain things when we are dieting. It’s a hard thing to give up the buzz of a good tasty piece of white fresh bread or a yummy chocolate biscuit..

So now is a good time to start taking a note of your eating pattern go to Http:// and download a free food log amongst many other helpful tips on how to improve your diet and eating patterns. This website covers all ethnic backgrounds as this is very important when learning how to eat for your environment

The long and the short of it is if you are finding your exercise programme has stalled , and you are not getting much out of it, pick up the aerobic level, Interval training can be very useful for this , especially if you are a little older,stimulate fat burning hormones and enzymes and watch the weight drop off , you’ll feel better and tone a lot quicker.

Next week :Ten minute tone ups to stimulate fat burning and muscle toning

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